Thursday, December 10, 2009
9 Months
Saturday, December 5, 2009
The new do...
It was definitely time for a change. Plus, I was able to donate the 10 inches they cut off to Wigs for Kids. I don't know about you, but I love it.
Who needs toys?
Thanksgiving week
Then on Friday, our little family headed north to San Francisco for the rest of the weekend. The main reason for the trip was to attend a Norte Dame football game at Stanford. The tickets were my present to Patrick for our anniversary. While we were up there we also go to visit Muir Woods and spent some time down at the pier. We had some amazing clam chowder and fish n' chips and Jasmine rode her first trolley.
This is a family of trees... love it!
Muir Beach... there is a little place right down the road called the Pelican Inn. We will go back to stay someday!
Not such a great picture of me... but Jasmine is sporting what we call the "Elvis face." It is hilarious, she does it all the time, we've been trying to capture it on camera for weeks now.
It was a quick trip, but a lot of fun. Jasmine was such a trooper - she was as happy as a clam in spite of the fact that she was fighting a cold. We bundled her up and she had a blast. It is so nice to have a baby that is such a good little traveler and who loves adventures as much as mom and dad do.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
San Diego Wild Animal Park
Jasmine and I both loved the flamingos. Flamingos are one of my earliest childhood memories, although I'm not sure where exactly I saw them.
Cute family picture...
Very tired baby on the way to the car.
We had a great day and can't wait to go back. There was so much that we didn't get to see. Jasmine did very well, especially considering she was in the midst of cutting teeth 3 - 6. It is so neat (and a little surreal) to make special memories like these together.
Why so close?
I find myself telling her she is going to go blind if she insists on being that close - sounds so familiar Mom and Dad!
Pure Joy
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
8 Months
This is what we come into her room to find at naptime. The little prisoner calling for escape from her cell.
Bug invasion
There have been little bugs running and crawling all over this place lately. Daddy actually caught one!
They're awful cute, I think we'll let them stay!
Saturday, October 17, 2009
7 months
So, on to fun things going on around here. Jasmine still loves her baths, but has moved into the big girl tub.
She has mastered sitting up by herself, loves to stand and walk around with help, and has been working on figuring out how to crawl. She is always after anything she shouldn't have... remotes, cell phones, power cords... and spends her days playing.
Her cousin Maddie has visited a few times recently, and is showing her the ropes on all fun things in life. It's cute, she just gets quiet and observes when Maddie is around. I know she is trying to figure out how she can do the same big girl things Maddie does.
Ultimately, she is an incredibly happy and healthy baby and I feel so blessed to start each new day with her.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
6 Months
- Cut two teeth and she is working on cutting two more
- Rolls back and forth and all over
- She can sit up on her own all day long
- She will stand if you help her and she is now trying to take steps
- She can sit up from laying down, but only in her sleep
- She will answer you back if you say hi
- She loves to eat her baby food - especially sweet potatos, peaches, and applesauce
- She loves to drink cold water out of her sippy cup - with help
The last six months have been so much fun and we can't wait to see what the next six will bring.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
This Week
Sunday, July 19, 2009
By popular demand...
Jasmine loves to play and is busy all day long. It is so hard to get her to nap. She always wants to go go go and most of the time she is pretty happy. This ball and apple are two of her favorite toys lately. This video was taken the week we were packing up and getting ready to move. We didn't have as much time to hold and love her, but she was very cooperative and a good little helper.
I wanted to give all of you a little taste of what I am so blessed to wake up to every morning. I would say 6 out of 7 mornings a week, I wake up to Jasmine talking and playing in her crib. It is very unusual for her to wake up crying, and I always try to get to her while she is still happy. Keep in mind, she is a little camera shy, but you still get a feel for her little morning personality.
Like I said in my last post, she is laughing out loud now and it is the cutest thing ever! She especially finds her dad pretty funny. This is a video of the two of them playing.
Jasmine still loves her baths. Some day she will kill me for posting videos of her naked on the internet. But, I just can't help it. She is our happy little fish! It is funny to look at how long she is in her whale tub now versus when she was first born. I don't know how much longer she will fit in it.
I will try to get a good one of her rolling over on her own and more of her sweet laugh. I never want to forget that sound!
4 Months
At her check-up this month, she weighed 16 pounds and is 26 1/4 inches long, which means she is in the 90th percentile for both height and weight. It seems she may be a tall girl like her mom. It is hard to believe, but looking at her you can easily see, she has grown 6 inches since she was born.
She tried cereal for the first time, and really enjoyed it. She laughs out loud now. She can officially roll over on her own from her back to her tummy. She is very good at holding her toys and can even toss them across the room if she gets too excited. She is almost sitting up by herself. She also just started playing in her new bouncer that her Uncle Arnold bought her and likes it a lot.
We love our new place and are really happy with where we are and how things are going. Life is good!